Current Meeting Agendas

Common Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm

City of Oconto Falls Common Council will meet on August 20,2024 at 6pm. This is later due to the August 13,2024 election. 

In Person Open Book at City Hall July 15,2024 from 3:00pm-5:00pm

Board of Review will meet at City Hall on 08/01/2024 for a minimum of 2 hours starting at 5:00pm.

Committees meet on an as need basis

Utility Commission for the Oconto Falls Water & Light meets the third Monday of each month at 6 PM.  Upcoming agendas can be found on the Utility Commission website:  

  • Meetings are held in Council Chambers at the City Municipal Building located at 500 N. Chestnut Avenue, Oconto Falls, WI. 
  • At least 24 hours prior, public notice will be given of all meetings. Unless good cause why a 24-hour notice is impossible or impractical (an emergency); a shorter notice will be given but in no case will a notice be provided less than 2 hours before a meeting. Agendas are forwarded to newspapers and any news media who have requested the same – agendas are posted at City Hall, Oconto Falls Community Library, and on the City website at
  • Any person wishing to attend a meeting who requires special accommodations because of a disability should contact the city clerk’s office at 920-846-4505 with adequate notice so appropriate accommodations can be made.
  • Please remember to silence cell phones when attending a meeting.
  • Agendas are subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.