Current Meeting Agendas

Common Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm

City of Oconto Falls Zoning  Board of Appeals Wednesday, March 12,2025 – 12:00pm

Committees meet on an as need basis

Utility Commission for the Oconto Falls Water & Light meets the third Monday of each month at 6 PM.  Upcoming agendas can be found on the Utility Commission website:  

  • Meetings are held in Council Chambers at the City Municipal Building located at 500 N. Chestnut Avenue, Oconto Falls, WI. 
  • At least 24 hours prior, public notice will be given of all meetings. Unless good cause why a 24-hour notice is impossible or impractical (an emergency); a shorter notice will be given but in no case will a notice be provided less than 2 hours before a meeting. Agendas are forwarded to newspapers and any news media who have requested the same – agendas are posted at City Hall, Oconto Falls Community Library, and on the City website at
  • Any person wishing to attend a meeting who requires special accommodations because of a disability should contact the city clerk’s office at 920-846-4505 with adequate notice so appropriate accommodations can be made.
  • Please remember to silence cell phones when attending a meeting.
  • Agendas are subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.