The Street Department works 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Street Superintendent – Wally Remic
846-4505 (City Hall)
846-4513 (Green Bay Ave. Shop)
After hours emergencies: (920) 846-3444
Street Dept Crew: Bryce, Brad, Jim, David
CURBSIDE GARBAGE PICK-UP – every week. Please keep in mind that pick-up will be delayed one (1) day on holiday weeks (see curbside schedule below).
- Must use garbage bin (Black with Green Lid) provided from GFL. Place bins front facing the curb 3 feet apart from recycling bin by 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day ,but not prior to 6p.m. the preceding day, and shall be removed from the sidewalk within 12hours of collection.
- Any garbage bag may be used in bin.
Bag Prices:
Green Bags (approx. 30 gal.):
10 bags for $4.00
Purple Bags (13 gal – tall kitchen size):
10 bags for $3.50
PICK-UP – every other week. Please keep in mind that pick-up will be delayed one (1) day on holiday weeks (see curbside schedule below).
- Mixed recyclables must be placed in 96-gallon bin (Green with Black Lid) provided to you by GFL and placed at curb for pickup. DO NOT place your garbage in bin.
- Place bins front facing the curb 3 feet apart from recycling bin by 6:00a.m. on the scheduled collection day ,but not prior to 6p.m. the preceding day, and shall be removed from the sidewalk within 12hours of collection.
- Each household is only allowed to set out one (1) 96 gallon bin per week for pick-up. You are encouraged to bring any overflow to the recycling center or hold it over until the pickup.
Please be sure garbage and recycling are place at curb before 6am on the day of collection but not before 6pm on the eve prior to collection.
2025 Curbside Garbage & Recycling Schedule
RECYCLING CENTER – located in the Industrial Park on Pioneer Drive
Tuesday & Saturday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The following items are recyclable:
- Glass – clear, brown, green, and blue
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Plastics – all food, beverage and household bottles accepted
- Motor Oil
We have dumpsters for larger items and have a “scrap iron” area to get rid of unwanted metal items. We also accept the following items for a small fee:
$25 fee for disposal of: sofa, love seat, mattress, box spring, chair, porcelain toilets & sinks, washers, dryers, stoves, etc.
$150 fee for disposal of: oversized items such as hot tubs, cabinets, etc.
Fee for disposal of tires, televisions, computers, microwaves, electronics, bulbs, Freon units, batteries, oil, oil filters, antifreeze, & absorbents are mandated by Oconto County. See County Fee Schedule for disposal of these items.
We will accept a small amount of building material or items that will not practically fit into an “approved” garbage bag. The general rule is: If the items in question would be less than or equal to filling a 55 gallon drum per day, we will accept it. We ask that you get a dumpster from a local refuse company if you have more than the amount we will accept. The recycling attendant will help you determine what we will accept. The recycling attendant has the right to reject certain items or the amount of such items.
For your convenience, we have a compost pile located adjacent to the recycling center. We will accept grass, leaves and wood chips. We will not accept brush, stumps or trees at this time. Please leave these items at your curbside for chipping every other Monday opposite curbside recycling. We start chipping in the Spring, we do not chip after the first snowfall.
If you have questions, please contact the business office for more info.
2025 Oconto County Recycling Drop-Off Center
For more information on recycling in Oconto County please click here
2025 Recycling Center Hours Open Tuesday & Saturday 7am- 3pm