begins April 15, 2024 and ends April 25, 2024
SPRING CLEAN UP: NEW! DO NOT BAG LEAVES. Leaf pick-up will be for 2 weeks starting April 15 and ending April 25. Please place leaf piles within 3 feet of curb, not in gutter. In addition, do not place leaf piles within 3 feet of a mailbox, fire hydrant or power pole. Leaf piles must be free of sticks and yard/pet waste. Do not mulch leaf piles. Residents can also haul leaves to the compost pile behind the recycling center during recycling center business hours. Residents may bring spring cleanup waste to dumpsters at the Recycling Center on April 16th – 2tth from 7:00 am – 3:00 pm, Tuesdays and Saturdays (normal recycling center hours). Items accepted are: Small pieces of concrete, logs, stumps, stones, furniture and appliances. NO CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION WASTE. There is a charge for tires and Freon appliances such as: freezers, air conditioners and refrigerators.
Items accepted are: small pieces of concrete, logs, stumps, stones, furniture and appliances.
There will be a charge for tires and Freon appliances such as: freezers, air conditioners, and refrigerators.
Leaves and grass can also be hauled to the recycling center compost pile during normal recycling center business hours.
Brush on Curb -City Ordinance 413-6 (e)
Branches, limbs, and cuttings from trees shall be cut in three-foot to eight-foot lengths and must be at least 1/2 inch in diameter when set out for collection. No brush will be picked up by the City when generated from vacant property or new building construction or from any contracted job. If said brush is not disposed of properly by the owner or contractor, the City will dispose of it and charge the property owner the actual cost.